Sourcing Data for AI Model Building: Exploring Methods and Considerations

AI Product Diary
6 min readJun 20, 2023


Google DeepMind: Champ Panupong Techawongthawon

In the field of AI product management, the availability and quality of data play a crucial role in building successful models.

The process of sourcing data involves considering various factors such as open and closed sources, outsourcing data collection and annotation, in-house efforts, and alternative methods.

In this article, we will explore these different approaches, their pros and cons, and determine which methods work best based on specific situations.

Let’s begin:

1. Open Sources

Photo by Viktor Forgacs on Unsplash

Open sources refer to publicly available data that can be freely accessed and used for AI model development. They include datasets, APIs, research papers, and open data initiatives. We’ll go over examples of these in a subsequent article.

The advantages and disadvantages of utilizing open sources are as follows:


  • Abundance of data: Open sources often offer large volumes of data, providing diverse and comprehensive training material.
  • Cost-effective: Since open sources are freely available, they can significantly reduce data acquisition costs.
  • Quick access: With readily available open datasets and APIs, developers can expedite data sourcing.


  • Lack of customization: Open sources may not align perfectly with the specific requirements of a particular AI model.
  • Quality concerns: The data from open sources may contain noise, inaccuracies, or biases that need to be carefully addressed.
  • Limited domain specificity: Open sources might not cater to niche domains, making it challenging to find relevant data.

2. Closed Sources

Photo by UX Indonesia on Unsplash

Closed sources encompass proprietary data that is not publicly accessible.

These sources can be either outsourced to third-party platforms or collected and annotated in-house.

Let’s explore the pros and cons of each option:

2.1 Outsourcing Data Collection and Annotation:

Outsourcing data collection and annotation involves partnering with external platforms or service providers to gather and label the required data. Consider the following pros and cons:


  • Expertise and scalability: Outsourcing allows access to specialized platforms with data collection and annotation expertise, enabling faster scaling.
  • Time and cost efficiency: By delegating the data-related tasks to professionals, internal resources can focus on core product development.
  • Quality control: Reputed data annotation platforms often implement quality control measures to ensure accurate and reliable annotations.


  • Dependency on third parties: Relying on external providers means relinquishing control over the data collection and annotation processes.
  • Privacy and security concerns: Outsourcing may involve sharing sensitive data, necessitating thorough vetting of the service provider’s security protocols.
  • Communication and coordination challenges: Coordinating with external teams and ensuring effective communication can be demanding.

2.2 In-House Data Collection and Annotation

Conducting data collection and annotation in-house involves leveraging internal resources and expertise for these tasks. Consider the following pros and cons:


  • Greater control: In-house data collection and annotation provide direct oversight, enabling customization and alignment with specific model requirements.
  • Domain expertise: Internal teams possess a deep understanding of the organization’s unique data needs and can tailor the process accordingly.
  • Confidentiality: Keeping the data collection process in-house mitigates privacy concerns associated with outsourcing sensitive data.


  • Resource-intensive: Building an in-house data collection and annotation infrastructure can be time-consuming and require substantial investments.
  • Scalability limitations: Scaling up data collection efforts within limited resources might pose challenges, especially for large-scale projects.
  • Potential biases: In-house efforts may inadvertently introduce biases due to the limited diversity of data sources or lack of external perspectives.

3. Alternative Methods

Photo by İsmail Enes Ayhan on Unsplash

Apart from open and closed sources, other alternative methods exist for sourcing data for AI models.

These methods include:

3.1 Data Partnerships

Establishing data partnerships with external organizations or data providers can be a valuable method of sourcing data.

This involves collaborating with entities with access to relevant datasets or expertise in specific domains. Data partnerships can provide access to high-quality data, domain expertise, and potentially expand the scope of data available for AI model development.


  • Access to specialized data: Partnering with organizations that have unique datasets can offer valuable insights and enhance the model’s performance.
  • Expertise and resources: Collaborating with data partners can provide access to their domain knowledge and infrastructure, reducing the burden on internal resources.
  • Mutual benefit: Data partnerships can foster knowledge sharing, research collaborations, and even revenue-sharing opportunities.


  • Data sharing agreements: Establishing data partnerships may involve legal and contractual considerations, including data ownership, usage rights, and confidentiality agreements.
  • Alignment of objectives: Ensuring alignment between both parties' objectives and ethical considerations is crucial for successful data partnerships.
  • Data quality and compatibility: Careful evaluation of the partner’s data quality and compatibility with the AI model’s requirements is necessary to avoid potential issues.

3.2 Data Scraping

Data scraping involves extracting relevant data from websites, online platforms, or other digital sources. It can be effective when the required data is publicly available but not provided in a readily usable format.


  • Abundance of data sources: The internet offers a vast array of websites and platforms that can be scraped for data, providing a wide range of information.
  • Customization and specificity: Data scraping allows for the targeted collection of specific data points, tailoring the dataset to meet the requirements of the AI model.
  • Real-time data acquisition: Scraping can be used to gather up-to-date information from dynamic online sources, allowing for more timely insights.


  • Legal and ethical considerations: Data scraping must be conducted within legal boundaries and in compliance with website terms of service and relevant data protection regulations.
  • Data quality and reliability: Scraped data may contain noise, inconsistencies, or inaccuracies that need to be carefully addressed and validated.
  • Technical challenges: Implementing effective and efficient data scraping processes may require technical expertise and overcoming potential obstacles such as CAPTCHAs or IP blocking.

3.3 Data Purchase

When specific datasets are not publicly available or cannot be obtained through partnerships, purchasing data from data vendors, or marketplaces is an option.

This involves acquiring datasets from specialized providers who aggregate and curate data from various sources.


  • Tailored datasets: Data vendors often offer curated datasets that match specific requirements, saving time and effort in data preprocessing.
  • Data variety: Purchased datasets can provide access to diverse data sources, enabling comprehensive training and testing of AI models.
  • Rapid availability: Data vendors can provide readily available datasets, reducing the time and resources required for data collection.


  • Cost implications: Purchasing high-quality datasets can be expensive, especially for large-scale projects or specialized domains.
  • Data quality assurance: Assessing purchased datasets' quality, reliability, and accuracy is crucial to ensure their suitability for the AI model.
  • Legal considerations: Care must be taken to ensure compliance with licensing agreements, intellectual property rights, and usage restrictions associated with purchased datasets.


Selecting the most suitable method for sourcing data depends on various factors such as budget, domain specificity, scalability, control, and privacy requirements.

Open sources provide an accessible starting point, but customization and control are better achieved through closed sources.

Outsourcing data collection and annotation offer scalability and expertise, while in-house efforts provide control and domain-specific knowledge.

Alternative methods such as data partnerships, data scraping, and data purchase can be valuable in specific situations.

Evaluating the pros and cons of each approach will help AI product managers and data teams make informed decisions while sourcing data for their models, ultimately contributing to the success of their AI initiatives.



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