Responsible AI Practices for Product Managers

AI Product Diary
5 min readJul 21, 2023


Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash

As AI has become an integral part of our lives, shaping almost everything from our online experiences, critical decision-making processes and handling day-to-day interactions.

As product managers, it is our responsibility to ensure that the AI systems we develop adhere to ethical guidelines and promote responsible practices.

By implementing these principles, we can create products that utilize AI to have a positive impact on users and society at large.

In this article, we will explore some essential steps that AI product managers can take to enforce responsible AI practices in their projects.

Deploying AI requires careful management to prevent unintentional but significant damage, not only to brand reputation but, more importantly, to workers, individuals, and society as a whole.” -McKinsey

1. Understand Ethical Implications

To foster responsible AI practices, product managers must have a deep understanding of the ethical implications associated with AI technologies.

These implications may range from potential biases in AI models to privacy concerns and societal impacts.

By grasping these complexities, product managers can make informed decisions and prioritize ethical considerations throughout the development process. The focus should also be placed on practicable concepts such as algorithmic fairness, privacy, security, explainability and interpretability of AI models.

2. Build Diverse and Inclusive Teams

A diverse and inclusive team is a valuable asset when addressing ethical challenges in AI.

By bringing together individuals with various perspectives and experiences, product managers can uncover potential biases and ethical concerns that might otherwise remain unnoticed. Moreover, diverse teams can design AI products that cater to a broader range of users, enhancing inclusivity.

3. Set Clear Ethical Guidelines

Establishing clear ethical guidelines and principles is essential for any AI project. These guidelines should align with the organization’s commitment to responsible AI practices and serve as a foundation for decision-making.

Clear ethical guidelines also help set expectations for the team and external stakeholders, ensuring a consistent focus on responsible AI development.

As we have seen companies like Microsoft and Google.

4. Adopt Ethical Frameworks

Incorporating established ethical frameworks can guide AI product managers in making sound decisions.

Initiatives like the AI Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI proposed by the European Commission offer comprehensive frameworks to address various ethical challenges. Utilizing such resources can enhance the project’s ethical foundation and facilitate compliance with industry standards.

5. Conduct Impact Assessments

Regularly conducting AI impact assessments is a critical step in identifying potential biases, risks, and negative consequences. These assessments involve testing AI systems on diverse datasets to ensure fair and equitable outcomes.

By proactively identifying and addressing any ethical issues, product managers can prevent harm and improve the reliability of their AI products.

Here are AI Impact Assessment Guides from Microsoft and Government of the Netherlands. You can also check out this article here.

6. Address Bias in Data

Bias in training data can lead to biased AI models, resulting in discriminatory outcomes. AI product managers should collaborate closely with data scientists and engineers to identify and mitigate biases in the data used to train AI systems. A comprehensive approach to data collection and preprocessing is crucial to ensure the AI model’s fairness and inclusivity.

7. Transparency and Explainability

Transparency and explainability are essential components of responsible AI practices.

Users must understand how AI-driven decisions are made, especially in domains where decisions can have significant consequences, such as healthcare or finance. Transparent AI systems foster user trust and allow for better user engagement.

8. Obtain Informed Consent

Respecting user privacy and data rights is vital for responsible AI development. When dealing with sensitive data, obtaining informed consent from users is a fundamental requirement.

AI product managers should clearly communicate how user data will be used and offer options for opting out if possible.

9. Continuous Monitoring and Auditing

Monitoring AI systems is a continuous process, and so is ensuring ethical AI practices are upheld.

Product managers should establish mechanisms for continuous monitoring and auditing of AI systems to ensure compliance with ethical guidelines and legal requirements. Regular assessments can reveal potential issues and allow for timely corrective actions.

10. Engage with Experts

Collaborating with external experts, such as ethicists or researchers in responsible AI, can provide invaluable insights and feedback.

These experts can help product managers navigate complex ethical dilemmas and offer recommendations for enhancing the ethical integrity of AI products.

11. Stay Updated on Regulations

The landscape of AI ethics and regulations is constantly evolving. AI product managers must stay informed about the latest guidelines and legal requirements relevant to their projects.

Staying up-to-date ensures that the AI product remains compliant with existing and emerging regulations. For example, you can check out this article on what the European AI Act means for AI Developers.

12. Educate Stakeholders

Educating all stakeholders involved in the AI project is crucial for promoting responsible AI practices. This includes senior management, development teams, and end-users.

Raising awareness about the importance of ethical considerations and their role in adhering to ethical guidelines fosters a culture of responsibility within the organization.

13. Address Unforeseen Issues Promptly

Despite meticulous planning, unforeseen ethical issues may arise during the development or deployment of AI products, as we’ve seen with Canva previously. When such issues emerge, it is essential to address them promptly, respectfully, transparently, and responsibly.

Taking ownership of these challenges and implementing effective solutions will demonstrate a commitment to responsible AI practices.


Enforcing responsible AI practices is a fundamental duty for AI product managers. By understanding ethical implications, building diverse teams, and setting clear guidelines, product managers can create AI products that align with the values of their organization and positively impact users and society.

Emphasizing transparency, obtaining informed consent, and continuous monitoring further enhance the ethical integrity of AI systems. By embracing these practices, AI product managers contribute to a future where AI is harnessed for the greater good while minimizing potential risks and negative consequences.

Further Reading

🔗Leading your organization to responsible AI

🔗What the European AI Act Means for You, AI Developer

🔗All Tech is Human: Responsible Tech Guide



AI Product Diary

All you need to know about Product Management for AI and Data Science.